
New Release Dates Section!

After many hours of work, the Release Dates section has undergone a near complete facelift. First off, the list is divided into separate tables for each system. The second big change is games are now listed alphabetically as opposed to chronologically. The final layout modification is the game title is listed first, instead of near the center of the table. I think you'll find tracking down specific release dates to be a lot easier now.

Ah, but that's not all! Along with this major renovation is a large update to the section's content as well, with 6 games getting revised dates, and a whopping 29 brand new additions to the list, the most in RPGFan history!! Whoo-hoo! ... *ahem* Among these are official US dates for Enix's 2000 lineup, including Valkyrie Profile (PS) and Dragon Warrior I & II (GBC). You'll also notice some Japanese games many people have never heard of. :P

This update also marks the debut of European Release Dates, which can be seen near the bottom of the page.

Anyway, check out the section by way of the menu to the left, or simply click here.

Date Updated:
April 18th, 2000

Time Updated:
11:00 PM

The Chronologist
