
PS2 Poll

Saturday, March 4, 2000: Huddled masses of Japanese gamers line the streets of Akihabara yearning for their very own Playstation 2. That's been the headline for the past few days. I've seen it twice on the local news. Sony's new console even made it to the cover of the March 6, 2000 edition of Newsweek. Needless to say, video games seem to get more popular with each new video game console that's released!

But I digress. This is an RPG site, right? We can't cover hardware! To that I say "too bad"! We're asking you this question:

"Would you purchase an imported PS2?"

As always, cast your vote on the main page!

Last week, we asked our readers whether Grandia II would be a deciding factor in purchasing a Dreamcast. 32% said yes, 17% wanted more information on the game before making a decision, 25% already owned the system, and 24% already know it's not worth it. It looks like public opinion is quite skewed in its views at this point. Perhaps this poll will make a return after Grandia II is released, who knows? If you missed this poll or others before it, then head to the poll archives.

That's all for this week! As I gaze out the window, I notice this bright yellow spherical ball in the sky. When I stick my arm out the door, it felt warm. Happy polling! I'm going to go outside and investigate this phenomenon rarely seen in Washington state!

Date Updated:
March 5th, 2000

Time Updated:
1:30 PM

Stahn Mahn
