Three New Reader Reviews and Review NewsHidey ho there review-o-philes! SP back wit y'all kickin it old school style... umm... east side, hehe! I've been quite busy lately, what with a second job, midterms and essays, and predicting slang ::add echo effect:: of the future! Perhaps hydro or tunneling will be the new buzzwords, but the current buzzword is review, so let's get to them!First up we have reader Taunt Master's review of a Playstation classic, Square's Brave Fencer Musashi. Check out the review here. Next up is reader Kai Phantom's review of Square's nifty new RPG SaGa Frontier 2. Apparently he finds it superior to the first, but was still left wanting. Anyway, check it out here. Finally, we've got a review from frequent submitter Jeremy Tan of Atlus' strategy/RPG Tactics Ogre. Read it here. Now, a bit of houskeeping. First of all, due to requests (okay, one request, but nobody seems to ever send the comments to me!) I have decided to crack down on spoilers in reviews. As you can see from the submissions page, the criterion of no spoilers has been added, and I mean that. I'm also cracking down on something that I've been meaning to for a long time: evil people who don't spell or grammar check their reviews when the guidelines specifically say you need to do that. I've been lenient up to this point, but it's getting ridiculous. One or two mistakes that the spell checker missed I can excuse, but I know when people don't even try. So from now on, if it's not spell checked and grammar checked I'm not going to accept it. Finally, I'd like to take a minute to address all the comments I've gotten about the review section... or should I say the lack thereof. While Rudo IS the webmaster, if you have any comments or questions about the reviews themselves or the review section in general, please mail them to me. I've had to find out second hand from other editors who don't even have anything to DO with the review section about mails they received with comments about the review section. While I don't mind them getting the hate mail, I also miss out on all the great comments you readers make. And remember, if I don't know what you wanna see the review section become, why would I change it? My e-mail is (as always) It works, use it. Anyway, that's all for tonight. Next time I'll have an editor review update with a Legend of Dragoon review from our own Commodore Wheeler! It's a guaranteed winner, folks. Until then, I'm anti-matter! |
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