
Links Page Revamped

Since we have a ton of immature people who posted ads and other junk through our add-a-link script, ignoring our plea that ads and other sites that do not belong on the links page not be added, the entire page has been cleaned off. To say the very least, the old links page wasn't pretty. I mean, who here thought links for buying contact lenses should be listed under Miscellaneous Games? Or links to Gotoworld should be under Chrono Trigger?

Anyways, the links page is almost completely empty, with the exception of one miscellaneous link, which was sent ahead of time, and links to various game developers. Although far from complete, it is a step in the right direction. If you have any suggestions, or would like to submit your own link, feel free to drop me a line at Due to the large amount of mails that I'll be expecting, the links page may not be updated for a bit. :)

Date Updated:
February 9th, 2000

Time Updated:
7:05 PM

