
Editorials Update

Ah, guten Abend! Wie gehts dir?

Er... pardon my crappy German skills. Anyways, since I haven't eaten dinner yet, and all I can think of is food, I'll try to make this update appear as a five course meal. Bear with me people.

First, we have a dish that fits into a category that everyone's familiar with... Square. It's entitled, "Squaresoft", made by a chef who wishes to remain anonymous. After finishing this one, I had a bad taste in my mouth... who actually likes the vegetables with their meal?

After swallowing that one, another dish fitting into the same category, entitled "Why Square is the Well-Known RPG Company", prepared by Paul Eblin, speaks on why Square is so popular. Personally, I'm tired of these 'Square' vegetables, we want something new, darnit!

After finishing the side dishes, you'll be craving the dessert already. DarkLink has created something called, "Are RPGs Too Mainstream?", which is a rather unique dessert, I must say. Definitely got the taste from those vegetables out of my mouth. It was missing something though... maybe whipped cream. Yum.

And now, the main course! We have two large pieces of "The Role of Graphics in RPGs", one BBQ'ed by Bahamut, and one broiled with Worchestershire Sauce by FJ. Both are delicious, and are excellent with a dab of A1 steak sauce on top. Mmmm...

To begin feasting, please click here. To wipe the drool off of your face after reading this update, please click here.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some dried Top Ramen noodles to eat. Reality bites, doesn't it? :P

Date Updated:
January 31st, 2000

Time Updated:
7:12 PM

