
Arc The Lad III and Chrono Trigger Remix Editor Reviews

Howdy-do there review fans! This has been quite a week, and it's probably good that it's almost over. But what a way to go out, eh? Two editor reviews now, with some really top-notch reader reviews later in the day or tomorrow! So let's get to it!

First off is editor Commodore Wheeler's review of the third installment in Sony's popular, but never translated, strategy series, Arc The Lad III. From reading the review, CW doesn't rank it the number one in the series, but check it out for yourself, here.

And for seconds, we've got EDITOR Shiguma's review of Square's classic RPG remake, Chrono Trigger Remix. Apparently, it was done a little better than FF IV's remake, but you can check out the whole review here.

Well, that's it for right now. My next update will probably include a Valkyrie Profile review, so stay tuned!

Date Updated:
January 29th, 2000

Time Updated:
7:47 AM

Sensei Phoenix
