
Seven billion for Shen Mue?

According to Sega of Japan, Shen Mue has reached development costs of seven billion Yen. All this money wasn't exclusively spent on the creation of the game. Much of it went to advertising costs, and estimated expenses for sequels that are in the works. Sega is obviously taking this title seriously, as they stand to lose an incredible amount of money if this game fails.

There is also some information on Shen Mue's highly touted mini games. Unfortunately the possibility of Saturn emulation on the Dreamcast via Shen Mue is not a reality. Ryo can still purchase the Saturn within the game, but the unit will simply be an easier way for players to access Shen Mue's other mini games. That way you won't need to take Ryo to the various arcades to try out games like Hang On or quick time events. Since through the Saturn they can have the convienance of playing the games from Ryo's home.

Source: Sega X, The Magic Box

Date Updated:
December 22nd, 1999

Time Updated:
10:21 AM

