3 new movies and a new movie layout!RPGFan's movie server now contains very close to (or maybe exactly) 120 movies. With all of these movies, there were WAY too many pictures to load at one time when you visited a page. Because of this, it was decided that we split the movies into more pages. However, there's a little difference in layout now. It isn't just "A-K" and "L-O", because many splits came in the middle of a letter. Now it's 3x3 "Eyes to Devil Summoner" and "Dew Prism to Grandia", and so on. To see this new layout, go to the movies page. Now, this did cause some bit of a dilemma. There are many different news archives that make links to the old pages of "moviesak.html" and such, but those pages aren't in use anymore. So, to keep confusion down, we are ALSO keeping those files up for the next month; however, those pages won't get new movie updates. After a month, those 3 pages will be deleted.Now then, the new movies. Two of these three come thanks to Zone Pharaoh, and the other from yours truly, Ramza. One of the movies ZP posted is from an untranslated (and probably never-going-to-be translated) episode of Pokémon, in which James has given himself a new asset (as shown on the first mailbag update). Another movie is a little video from UbiSoft's Dreamcast title "Evolution". The movie I put on is the Alundra 2 English Promotional video. There's something I must say about this one. I am VERY excited that they used the original title screen and added a 2, instead of using that ugly yellow/blue combination for a title...YICH! Click here to go find and download all of these great movies, and be sure to check out the new movie layout! |
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