
Baldur's Gate On Playstation

For those that aren't aware, Baldur's Gate is a PC RPG developed by Bioware that takes place in the Forgotten Realms corner of the D&D world. It was hailed as one of the best RPGs ever to hit the PC market for its mostly accurate simulation of the D&D rules, and rich, diverse gameplay.

Previously the only console to host the game was said to be the Dreamcast, with its upcoming version still under development. However, Interplay seems to now be developing a Playstation incarnation as well. What new features may be included in the translation is currently unknown, but at least Playstation owners who are interested in this title can now look forward to it hitting their system in the near future.

Baldur's Gate has a tentative release date for December.

Source: GameFan Online

Date Updated:
October 25th, 1999

Time Updated:
4:05 PM

