
Shining Force 3 Movie

Several days ago, Camelot Software Planning's free Premium Disk offer ended, a CD jam-packed full of Shining Force 3 material to fulfill any fan's dream. One of the coolest things on the disk was the interview with what I believe to be the creator/producer of Shining Force 3, if not the entire series, which was shown to the Japanese media back in 1997. Since I speak Japanese about as fluently as I can speak to my pet fish, I don't know the name of the guy who's interviewed...but I can say that the movie is worth a look. ^^;

I've only recorded the first 6 minutes of the interview, but it's the best section of the entire movie. The first minute and a half is the interview, followed by an explanation of the game's story system, some scenery and towns (much of it never made it into the final product!), and finally, details regarding the polygon battle cutscenes. The dimensions of the movie is small, but the audio and video is crisp and smooth, all packed into a little 14 meg MPEG file! If you don't want to download that, you can settle back with a Real Video version as well.

Click here to access the movies page.

Date Updated:
October 4th, 1999

Time Updated:
8:52 PM

