News on Evolution's release

Sega's new system, Dreamcast, is gearing up for a huge launch. And while it wont be released on September 9, 1999, like the system, Sting's RPG Evolution, will be coming to the United States before the end of the year.

Developed by Sting, a Japanese company, Evolution will be published in the United States by Ubi Soft. The game is set to be released sometime in October of this year. The official title of the game will be Evolution: The World of Sacred Device.

The story of Evolution: The World of Sacred Device centers on Linear Cannon and Mag Launcher. The two must find the secret of evolution before the eighth Empire does.

RPGFan will bring you a full review of the game when it is released.

Source: RPGamer

Date Updated:
August 19th, 1999

Time Updated:
3:46 PM

