Earthbound Revisited!

Earthbound (Mother 2 in Japan) stunk! No, the game was fine, but Nintendo used scratch 'n sniff surfaces that sported putrid odors on their ads to promote this game. The odors seemed not to be affected by time either because when I scanned the ads for this update, I could STILL smell it after four years!

This game had everything from pizza delivery, to burger shops, to the neighborhood drugstore. You could hop on a bus, take in a show, or withdrawal money from the ATM machine. Earthbound was far from the medieval setting of many RPGs and this attracted many fans. Besides, it was such an odd game, who could NOT find it interesting?

No matter what you thought of Earthbound or whether you've even played it or not, we have quite a collection of images for you to peruse.

To start off, we have 40 screen shots.

4 pieces of character art.

front and back packaging scans.

front and back player's guide scans.

a total of 5 scans from two ads (nauseating odor not included :P).

and finally 48 GIFs.

Date Updated:
July 29th, 1999

Time Updated:
4:48 PM

Stahn Mahn
