4 More Editorials

Well, it seems that the medication sent to me by the rest of the RPGFan staff worked quite well and I am now back to being only 50% insane (compared to 100% insane like I was earlier this week). After equiping myself with my anti-editorial glasses and drinking my anti-editorial medicine, I was able to get some more editorials done for your reading pleasure (or displeasure, depending on how you feel about them :P).

The first editorial is called: "Gripes, complaints, and a lot more of the same" and it deals with how most of the die-hard RPG fans are always bitching and complaining about everything. I'm willing to bet that this editorial will get some replies :P. Click here to check it out.

The second one is titled: "Dreamcast=RPG Delight or Doom?" and it is about Sega, Dreamcast and the future of RPGs on this console. You can check it out by clicking here.

The 2 last editorials are both written by the same author (JediLeroy) and one of them deals about music in today's games and you can check it out here and the other one is a response to the editorial "Criticism about Albert Odyssey" that was submitted a week ago by another reader and this response can be found right here.

Date Updated:
July 1st, 1999

Time Updated:
2:15 PM

