PlayStation Emulator on DC: More News

Spurious, a. 1598. [f. L. spurius illegitimate, false.]

1. Of persons: Begot or born out of wedlock; illegitimate, bastard, adulterous. b. Characterized by bastardy or illegitimacy 1770.

2. Having an illegitimate or irregular origin; not properly qualified or constituted 1601.

3. Superficially resembling or simulating something; not true or genuine ; false, sham, counterfeit 1615.

4. Of a writing, passage, etc.: Not really proceeding from its reputed origin, source or author; not genuine or authentic ; forged 1624.

5. Characterized by spuriousness or falseness 1840.

6. SpuriOS An application for the Dreamcast that runs PlayStation games, according to EDGE magazine.

Well, I didn't spot it. I said I was wary of April Fools jokes, but was looking for an anagram or something else as a clue.

Thanks go to a reader for being the first to point this out to me. At least it was caught before April 1st.

And a huge 'no-thanks' go to EDGE for annoying Dreamcast fans once again.

Date Updated:
March 29th, 1999

Time Updated:
6:06 PM

Zone Pharaoh
