Lunar EB Remix Special!

I have a HUGE Lunar2 EB Remix update here. I totally redesigned the section, and added a large amount of new pics. Three anime scenes(all near the end of the game) were added, and part of the southeastern section of the map was done. There are basically six sections to the Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Remix special. First, the imagemap/FAQ which is an imagemap of the map of Lunar. When you click on a section of the map, it takes you to that area of the map and shows some screen shots of the overworld there. If you want to get more specific and see a certain city, dungeon or other area, you should use the imagemap on that page. The second section of the site is the anime scenes. This section will extensively cover anime pics of the game. This section will have only high quality pics at that! The third section is the characters. I will make small pics of the character expressions from the game, character bios, and anything else I can come up with. This section is not up yet. The fourth section is the bromides section. This one is partially done. When I find the rest of the bromides, I will update with them. I have about half of them up for viewing already. The fifth section is the archived pics section. This is just a pics section of the pics that we took last summer. There are a TON of pics here, so if you can't find what you are looking for on the newer pics, you can try the archives. The only downside is the archives quality isn't as good as the newer pics we are putting up now. The last section is the miscellaneous section. This houses reviews, movies, MIDIs, etc. Pretty self-explanitory. Below are a few screenshots for viewing pleasure. Make sure you click here for the new Lunar 2 EB Remix special.

Date Updated:
March 13th, 1999

Time Updated:
1:26 AM


Related Links:
  •   Lunar 2 EBR Special
  •   Game Arts
  •   Working Designs
