In a year absolutely bursting with quality independent games, one game in particular stood out above all the rest: To the Moon. The gameplay is simple, but where this game muscles its way ahead of the competition is in its story and presentation. The dialogue is natural, witty, and touching, and it conveys a beautiful story that is head-and-shoulders above almost every other game this year, indie or not. Couple that with one of the best soundtracks of the year, full of moving piano pieces and recurring motifs, and you have yourself a clear winner for RPGFan's Indie Game of the Year.
Cthulhu Saves The World is an absolutely fantastic 16-bit throwback with witty dialogue and a competent battle system. It's also only $3 and comes bundled with Breath of Death VII. Were it not for the story of To The Moon, this game would have the award you see above.