The last time we covered the Origins Game Fair was 2012. At that time we had some relevant coverage, but the event was primarily its own set of genres far removed from RPGFan's typical material. Primarily, Origins has historically been about board games, miniatures, card game tournaments, and, of course, community. While the event hasn't changed much over the past four years, the types of games we're seeing have started to peek into RPG territory, and I'm not just talking about pen-and-paper Dungeons & Dragons. For example, were you aware that Dark Souls is making an appearance in plastic and cardboard? How about chibi, strategy RPG-esque miniature combat games like Super Dungeon Explore and Wakfu-inspired Krosmaster? Not convinced? What about a PC game inspired by Super Dungeon Explore, which was inspired by video game RPGs? That'd be Super Dungeon Tactics. How's that for gaming inception? The pipes don't just go one way, though. We've seen video games include board game elements, such as in Card Hunter.
When someone attends an event year after year, gradual changes can go unnoticed. The benefit of our four year lapse is that we've witnessed stark changes in the kinds of games and mechanics developed in the evolving hobby. And while one can't always distinguish whether the games or the players are guiding the zeitgeist, one thing's certain: the players love this new melding of mediums. All one needs to do is check out the hugely successful Dark Souls Kickstarter, the full tables settled around Krosmaster, and the ever-present onlookers in front of the Super Dungeon Tactics big screen.
Perhaps more important than any of that is the strong sense of community that has motivated entire business practices, not only making games but building accessories and products that could potentially save a marriage. Origins also tells stories of the struggle of successful engineers hoping to start a gaming business. Dreams become realities here. We hope you enjoy our coverage and get an idea of what's going on when the screens are turned off.