Editor's Favorites
Music of the Year 2015

Over here at RPGFan Music, we do things a little different from the Games of the Year features. Music is so subjective, even moreso than the games we hear them in. And this says nothing about the extremely diverse musical tastes among our staff! As such, there's no proper way to rank music, but what we can do is present individual lists of favorites. Nine RPGFan editors compiled their favorite melodious musical memories and moments from 2015 — sometimes in extensive detail! — and present them now for your pleasure. As usual, each album selection contains brief musical samples so that you, too, can get an idea of the amazing breadth of music that 2015 brought to us.

Most of us frequently discover new music simply by talking to one another and sharing our finds. Our hopes are that you too will discover some new favorites via these lists. And if you do, tell us about it!