Getting Hexed
by John McCarroll
Hex ScreenJune 3, 2013 – It's tough to know what genre is next going to have RPG elements grafted onto it. We've seen RPG sports games, RPG dating sims, RPG puzzle games, and just about every other genre known to man fused with our favorite progression systems. In most cases, you get a poor chimera whose parts don't work together quite right. However, every now and again, developers find their chocolate-and-peanut butter and wonder why this hasn't been done before.

Hex: Shards of Fate looks to be the title to do that for something unorthodox — collectible card games. In the physical world, card games are static — you build your decks, play in tournaments, and trade with friends, but there's not much that can be done to extend your experience. When a game is over, the experience starts anew, all of what's on the table scooped up and shuffled together. In the digital world, though, things can be different. Creatures can gain permanent bonuses, cards can gain experience points, customization can go beyond what cards go in a deck, and, most importantly, a persistent world and progression system can encompass the world.

That's exactly what Cryptozoic is creating with Hex, and based on everything President and Chief Creative Officer Cory Jones has shown us, it looks like they just might pull their dream off. With a few days to go on the already-funded Kickstarter, we explore exactly what Hex is all about, what it's got in store for RPG and TCG fans alike, and how all of its different elements fit together.

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