March 25, 2015 I'm hardly the first American video game website editor to visit Japan. But this was all new to me, so I made a point of photographing nearly everyhing I could, everywhere I went. Showcased here are the most relevant things for our RPGFan readers - nerd stuff! I mean, there's some other things thrown in too, and if you're curious what kind of offices Square Enix and DeNA have, that's here, alongside expensive fruit, robots, and so much more.
This is really the "everything" category, where I collect photos of the city, food, and every random thing I saw.
DeNA occupies several floors of this building, and we had a tour of the offices, and saw just enough that I wish my office had this kind of atmosphere.
It's safe to say that Dragon Quest is a big deal in Japan. We'd never see a themed eatery like Luida's Bar here, which is a shame, because it's just such a neat experience to be in a place like this.
If you had told me that, at some point during my time in Japan, I'd be watching a cute Japanese girl sing Lady Gaga's 'Telephone' while sitting on a gargantuan motorized glittering horse, I'd have said you're crazy. But... well, here we are. This show is absolutely unlike anything I've seen, so if you find yourself in Tokyo, you simply must check it out.
Square Enix is probably about as secretive as you'd imagine about letting people wander its halls. We did get to poke around the waiting area and check out some cool meeting rooms to share with you, however. Were it not occupied, I'd have snapped a photo of the chocobo meeting room too!
This is where I had to restrain myself, lest my wallet cry out in pain. Artnia has an awesome selection of themed food items, and so much merchandise and soundtracks for sale that one really needs to be careful. Many of us at the café also got special latte art, all of which are showcased here.