The Best (and Worst) Female RPG Characters

The Best (and Worst) Female RPG Characters
April 29, 2011
Our top ten ladies listed below are part of a celebration - one of feminity, positivity, and strength. Females are becoming increasingly significant and prevalent in modern video game storytelling, and we cherish those who are presented in the most positive light with this list. Still, for every light side, there is a dark side, and that is why we chose five ladies to headline female characters gone wrong. We here at RPGFan hope that the types of characters that populate the Top 10 continue to be featured in RPGs and those in the Bottom 5, well, simply disappear. To create the list, we as editors cast our votes, and what started out as a list we thought would be tough to complete turned into an outpouring of admiration for the female characters done right. Let's hear it for the girls!

DISCLAIMER: We have decided not to rank any of these fabulous ladies. Putting a number on them would only diminish the greatness that they've done for the genre. We know it's tempting to assume the ladies are listed in order of preference, but they are, indeed, completely random.

Also, SPOILER ALERT: Some of these write-ups contain small spoilers, if there is a game on here you plan on playing, we strongly encourage you not to read the write-up.