Fire Emblem: Three Houses Voice Actor Recast Amidst Abuse Controversy
Chris Niosi, who voiced the male version of Byleth, is being removed from the game.
07.27.19 - 3:54 PM
written by Peter Triezenberg
Recently, it came to light that Chris Niosi, a voice actor who has been the subject of controversy in the wake of severe sexual harassment and abuse allegations (which were later
admitted to by Niosi), would be voicing the male version of protagonist Byleth in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. In the wake of the announcement, and the subsequent backlash, Niosi was quickly removed from mobile game Fire Emblem Heroes, and replaced with Zach Aguilar (of One Punch Man fame). It has now been confirmed in an official statement from Nintendo that Byleth's voice in Three Houses will also be completely re-dubbed, via a planned future update.
After assessing the situation, we decided to re-record the character's voiceovers in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Heroes with another actor. The new voiceovers will be included in a future patch.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is available now for the Nintendo Switch. Stay tuned to RPGFan for further coverage.
Peter Triezenberg
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