Mike Salbato
RPGFan's 60 Most Anticipated Games of 2019: Part One
It begins.
01.27.19 - 12:06 AM

Welcome to our mega-sized list of our Most Anticipated Games of 2019! Believe it or not, the RPGFan staff had to really work hard to keep the list to a mere sixty titles. There's a ton of promising games on the horizon, and most of the ones scheduled for 2019 are looking to be in good shape to make it.

Kingdom Hearts III makes its final appearance on this feature, after years of hopeful inclusions, so we're leading with that. Otherwise, we changed up our list order for 2019. Usually we give you an alphabetized list, but that makes it far too easy to guess what's still to come as we roll out this feature. Instead, we've completely randomized all 60 titles across all three days, just to make things fresh. Start with these first 20, and check back in the coming days for the rest!

RPGFan's 60 Most Anticipated Games of 2019

What are you most looking forward to? Let us know on the usual places, whether you prefer Facebook, Twitter, Discord, or Instagram!
