Scott Clay
Week in Review, 6/2/2018
Every day is great at your RPGFan!
06.02.18 - 9:59 PM

It's June(s), and as you may already know, at RPGFan every day is viewer appreciation day during June(s)! So make sure you come on down and bring your family to RPGFan for all your RPG needs! If one of them is named Nanako, you win the internet! Ok maybe not, but still! This week we have news stories from Gino DiGioia, Keegan Lee, and Peter Triezenberg, and reviews from Robert Fenner and Greg Delmage.

Story by Peter Triezenberg

The Poké Mans are back with two new games, that are remakes of old games but have mechanics from a mobile game? I am confused as well, but hey, they are coming to the Switch, so that's a good thing. I think they are still making a mainline game for the system as well, so all you Pokémon fans will be getting a ton of new Pokémon games in the near future.

Pokemon: Let's Go Screenshot

Story by Keegan Lee

Valkyrie Profile is easily one of the best RPGs from the PS1 era, and now even more people can enjoy this classic. The game has hit mobile phones with all the updates you would expect from a mobile port, including autosaves and touch controls. If you have never checked out Valkyrie Profile, then this your chance to play a really fantastic game.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Mobile Screenshot

Story by Gino DiGioia

Ok, I know so many people would rather play a new mainline Fallout game, but bear with me here. Fallout 76, if done right, could be a lot of fun. The rumors say it is likely to be a survival game, much like Rust or DayZ, but set in the Fallout universe. Those games can be really enjoyable even if they get buggy and messy, but with a developer like Bethesda behind it, Fallout 76 could be downright amazing. I mean it could have been worse, Bethesda could have announced another port of Skyrim!

Fallout76 Screenshot

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Review

Review by Greg Delmage

So something we have been looking to do more often are Retro Reviews, taking a look back at some games from yesterday and see if they still stack up today. So this week, we have a review of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, courtesy of Greg Delmage. You can expect more retro reviews as we start looking back... as we go forward. The concept of time is weird.

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Screenshot

Review by Robert Fenner

So in most RPGs, you end up killing hordes of evil cultists, but what happens when you get to be a cultist? Well, you can now live out that weird fantasy in this bizarre card game where you build up your own secret society. I don't have all the details, but Robert Fenner does in his full review of this quirky game.

Cultist Simulator Screenshot

And that's a wrap for this week. Be sure to check back on the front page for all your RPG news and reviews.
