Marcos Gaspar
RPGFan Music: original arrange sound track Persona Q: Sound of the Labyrinth Review
No, you read that right. That's the name.
10.24.16 - 9:05 PM

One of the things I look for in an album is its title. Some of them are straight forward with just adding "OST" or "Album" to the end of the game's name. Other times you get something fancy or abstract. Then there are times like this when you read the title on and feel like it's really talking to you. For this album, I feel it's quietly whispering into my ears, until it hits caps lock and starts yelling at me. That's certainly one way to get hyped for an album, and it seems Patrick Gann is channeling that hype-ness through his original arrange sound track Persona Q: Sound of the Labyrinth review. See what he has to say and enjoy the samples within!
