Josh Curry
Retro Encounter 19-2: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Solving locked-room murders and finding exploding corpses.
10.12.16 - 5:57 PM

Things get crazy at Retro Encounter as we finish the final chapters of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. Now that we have played the game to completion, we discuss the awesome reveals, the closing story arc, the multiple betrayals, and the great final boss. At the end of the day Danganronpa relies heavily on its quality characters, so we spend a tremendous amount of time further clarifying our thoughts on each character and their intentions. Remember: with hope, anything is pawsible.

Join Retro as we beat a bear and escape a school!

Retro Encounter 19-2: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc

Featuring: Josh Curry, Mike Sollosi, Alana Hagues, Peter Triezenberg

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