Jesse Woo
XSEED Streams Playthroughs, Commentary of E3 Lineup
Over 3.5 hours of footage!
07.08.16 - 3:24 AM

Still basking in the afterglow of the E3 showroom floor (perhaps it's just the fluorescent lighting), XSEED recently streamed playthroughs and commentary for several of the games featured at its booth during the show. The games, by order of appearance are:

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (PS4, Wii U, PS Vita physical, Fall 2016)
Exile's End (PS4, Wii U, PS Vita digital, Summer 2016)
Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity (PS4 digital, 2016)
STORY OF SEASONS: Trio of Towns (Nintendo 3DS physical & digital, 2017)
Corpse Party (Nintendo 3DS physical & digital, 2016)
Trails of Cold Steel II (PS3, PS Vita physical & digital, Fall 2016)

Watch the XSEED team have three and a half hours worth of fun on several highly anticipated RPGs, including sequels for Story of Seasons and Trails of Cold Steel, below:
