Brett Wooley
More Translations for Project X Zone 2: Brave New World
Less removal of content for oversea releases.
11.04.15 - 12:04 PM

I believe it was your mother that said "Seven is better than two." Well Bandai Namco is your new mom. Instead of getting only Japanese and English translations, like in first Project X Zone, Bandai MOMco baked you seven delicious translations for Project X Zone 2: Brave New World. Koji Ishitani of Monolith (or MOMolith) Software talked about this and how only the languages will be changed, instead of the music and artwork for other regions (like in the first game). The flavors are as follows, with the regions to be released in:

  • North America: English, French, Spanish

  • Europe: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German

  • South Korea: Korean

  • Taiwan / Hong-Kong: Japanese

project x zone 2 brave new world bandai namco sega nintendo 3ds

This will only cover text, as the voice overs will remain Japanese. Project X Zone 2: Brave New World will be released to the Nintendo 3DS on November 12th in Japan, with the digital version available for pre-order (if you want to play at midnight). The Western releases will be February 16th in North America, and February 19th in Europe. Also, don't ever doubt that your Bandai MOMco loves you. She packed you a 3 hour video, full of essential gameplay and low carb options.
