Brett Wooley
More Concrete Information about Dragon Quest Builders Gameplay
Trust me, the puns don't ruin the foundation of this story.
10.04.15 - 4:46 PM

Last time on Dragon Quest Builders news we got to check out extensive gameplay footage highlighting key features of what to expect from SquareEnix's new title. We also got to see the similarities and differences between this and Minecraft. Now we have more concrete information, about the building blocks of Dragon Quest Builders. Yeah, I like puns! What of it?!

The materials needed to rebuild come from monsters and the terrain. (Since Level gain is focused on building, this may be the ONLY reason to fight). Some of the materials can be combined, in order to make new materials. Thus, giving you access to new construction "recipes." Blueprints give you the criteria to build the correct type of structure, but you can construct them to your creative liking. Not only will iconic monsters roam the field, but sometimes they will join together to raid your town; impeding your construction progress.

Dragon Quest Builders will launch for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PS Vita in Japan on January 28th. Be sure to browse our gallery for new screenshots!
