David Brown
Samurai Job Class Joins Final Fantasy Explorers Roster
My favorite kind of DLC: free.
01.15.15 - 4:28 PM

With Final Fantasy Explorers' new DLC drop, players can become a samurai for free, as well as pay for additional boss fight.

Above, you can see the Samurai. The Job Class can can use weapons with different ranges and it has very strong attack power. Though it can use other weapons, it is strongest with a katana and katana-based skills.

As part of the same DLC release, Omega is introduced as a new boss. Unfortunately, unlike the samurai, he isn't free, but will cost 400 yen (~$3.42 US) and can be found at the Great Waterfall of Maxon. Omega is known to have multiple weapons and attack relentlessly.

Final Fantasy Explorers is currently available in Japan. Though the name Final Fantasy Explorers has been trademarked in the U.S. and Europe, no release dates have been announced.
