Andrew Barker
Final Fantasy XIV Still in Development for PS3
Plus a few new details on upcoming content!
07.16.11 - 7:23 PM

It's been a while since we've heard anything about MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV for the PlayStation 3. After generally negative reviews for its PC release and a number of bugs and content issues, it was uncertain whether the game would ever be released on the PS3. However, director Naoki Yoshida has recently assured fans in an interview that development is moving forward and Square Enix still intends on releasing the console version.

He went on to mention a few more details about upcoming content for the game. The team has been working on the Materia crafting system and an Ifrit battle. He continued that characters will get a jump command sometime in the future. An actual jump, that is. Not a dragoon-style one. He explained that, "All I can say is that we are not emphasizing jumping with the jump key as a means to cover vast distances on the map or an element that must be used during battle strategies… Maybe it’s easiest to say it will just be like the jump you generally see in MMOs."
