Liz Maas
More Valkyria Chronicles DLC Planned
And lots of it, too!
04.23.11 - 10:39 PM

Valkyria Chronicles 3 has been out for a few months in Japan, and SEGA is continuing to support the PlayStation Portable with download content for a couple more months yet. And some of the characters might be familiar to series fans. They have just released Clash! Welkin vs. Dahau, which features Welkin and Isara Gunther, as well as Alicia Melchiott. You'll also get a new gun.

Next week, Clash! Edy vs. Dahau will become available. Edy and her entire squad will be introduced, as will another weapon: VB sch35. Each DLC will cost 600 yen ($7.22 US). SEGA will also be releasing a new Hard EX mission each week (six in total) up until June 12th. Each of these will run 200 yen ($2.44 US).

Valkyria Chronicles 3 has not yet been announced for North America.
