Mike Salbato
Final Fantasy III Dual iOS Galleries
Compare and contrast the small- and large-screen iOS versions inside.
04.22.11 - 1:17 AM

Final Fantasy III was released for iPhone and iPod touch recently, and as of late last night, a separate iPad version was also released. While each device has a different-sized screen, when comparing the current generation iPhone and iPod touch, they interesting have a similar resolution to the iPad. This little factoid makes comparing these screen shots interesting, since the game looks near identical on each platform - which of course means on the Retina Display of the smaller devices, you'll get quite nice visuals.

Anyway, enough rambling, go check out the galleries below, and if you too would prefer to play Final Fantasy III's 3D remake on your iOS device versus the Nintendo DS, it'll save you a few bucks, at $15.99 (USD) for the iPhone/iPod touch version, or $16.99 (USD) for the iPad version.
