Liz Maas
Watch Some Actual Secret of Mana iOS Footage
It's Secret of Mana! On an iPhone!
11.10.10 - 1:39 AM

The first we saw and heard of Secret of Mana on the iOS platform was when we wandered through Square Enix's massive E3 booth back in June. We just happened to see a very short teaser trailer on a TV screen, which really just amounted to the Secret of Mana title screen fit inside an iPhone - accompanied with the music we know and love, of course. That was also the last we saw of the game.

Until now. AppBank (Japanese) recently got to demo the 16-bit classic, and you can see a good few minutes of Secret of Mana being played on an iPhone below. Like many to-iOS ports, you can see the onscreen buttons in place of a controller, naturally, and the player seems to have little trouble there. The question is though, is whether the game would have multiplayer support like the original SNES and Virtual Console versions did. Perhaps through GameCenter, if so? Who knows.

What we do know is that according to AppBank, Secret of Mana will be out by the end of the year. And Square Enix's iOS releases are usually globally simultaneous, so keep checking back for more details.
