Patrick Gann
The 35-Year-Old (Final Fantasy) Virgin
Point and laugh at editor John Tucker. He's only now losing his FF virginity!
04.26.10 - 11:52 PM

It's funny how often our op ed pieces come back to Final Fantasy. Well, it's not that funny. Maybe it's just to be expected, considering the series' prominence.

Last month, for example, I ranted about how the original Famicom game Final Fantasy II has been ported way too much considering its place in the series, with the iPhone port tipping me over the edge.

But it was with the iPhone port of Final Fantasy I that my colleague John Tucker finally sat his butt down and played through an entire FF game from start to finish. Wow. Good for him!

Having played dozens, perhaps hundreds, of RPGs from beginning to end, and only now jumping on the FF train, gives him an entirely different perspective on the series. Check out that perspective in this month's feature editorial! (link below)

Also, give us a few more days here and his more objective piece, a review of said iPhone game, will be on the site. Patience kiddos, patience!
