Soundtracks Update: Gust and Promos
03.15.09 - 12:50 AM

Oh man, two themes in one soundtracks update? AND a "transition" album for the two themes? I'm tickled pink!

Let's start with the "promotional" albums. These are albums that didn't get a proper "retail" release, and usually came attached with a limited edition / preorder game.

First up, we have a soundtrack review for Sacred, from newbie-editor Kimberley Wallace. If you're down with German-made orchestral goodness, and you don't mind the game's label of "all-too-obvious Diablo clone," then you'll want to read this soundtrack review.

Next, reader-reviewer Jared Prewitt takes on two of Atlus USA's many releases. We have the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Soundtrack "Side A" (the "Side B" review will come in time), as well as the Eternal Poison Soundtrack CD. Good times!

Prewitt also brings us the review for our "transition" soundtrack. This is a promotional item in North America, and it is also for a Gust game. Yes, I'm talking about the one-disc soundtrack that NIS America put with copies of Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica. There is also a "side B" soundtrack of sorts, the "RQ Exclusive" soundtrack, which we will cover at a later point in time.

Now then, the other two soundtracks, both from Gust.

One, the only review of today's six that I actually wrote, is the soundtrack for Atelier Annie ~Alchemist of Sera Island~. Yes, another one of those darn DS-based Atelier titles. But fear not, because series composer Daisuke Achiwa is at the helm this time around!

Finally, one of Gust's oldest (and least-known) games, The Adventures of Robin Lloyd, has its soundtrack reviewed by graphic-adventure-man Neal Chandran. Yes, it was a graphic adventure, and yes, we expect that you've never heard of it before. But the music is composed by Gust's longest-standing member of the sound team, Akira Tsuchiya. So you may be interested!

Next week...there will be no theme! Just a lot of soundtrack reviews. Be ready for it.

Patrick Gann