Sam Hansen
November Editorial, Tucker-style
Get it while it's hot (and last-minute)!
12.01.09 - 2:23 AM

It's still November, right? Well hey, at least in my state it is! Take that, planetary rotation!

For this month's editorial, editor John Tucker has stepped up to the plate (Thanksgiving pun, maybe?). It's almost 2010, and with more gaming mediums than we can count, the current day has seen a surprising amount titles with price points ranging from the cheapest of cheaps to the whopping $60 megatons. PCs and PS3s and iPhones; everyone seems to be getting some gaming love! So with this many options, where should our money be going?

This month, Mr. Tucker gives us his take on the question on every gamer's mind: Am I getting my money's worth? Is the bang worth the buck? What does that even mean?

I'd love to tell you, but it's almost December, and I need to go find my Christmas albums. Click the link and start reading John's take. I'll be sure to come back halfway through to put on some Elvis.
