More Ways to Get Square Enix Music For Less
05.28.08 - 12:58 AM

While the magic of the internet has made it easy for game music fans to order soundtracks for their favorite titles for years now, one of the biggest barriers to doing so is sometimes the cost of importing a CD from Japan. Well Square Enix USA has made it a bit easier to obtain a selection of their music domestically and for much less than importing would cost via their online store. As you could expect, a good deal of it is Final Fantasy-centric, but it also includes soundtracks to the recently-released The World Ends With You and the classic Chrono Trigger. Note that in the case of Chrono Trigger, the CD for sale is the 1999 release of the album, which is more of a "Best of" and not the complete soundtrack.

For an even better deal - provided you don't care about owning a physical CD - you can also now purchase the soundtrack for The World Ends With You via iTunes (link will open in the iTunes Store) for the paltry sum of $9.99 USD. This is Square Enix's latest addition to iTunes, which includes nearly every original and arranged soundtack for the Final Fantasy series.

With these and various other game albums on iTunes (including the likes of Halo, Grand Theft Auto and two Mother 3 albums), perhaps one day it will get its own subcategory.

Update: Added clarification on Chrono Trigger album; thanks go to reader Chris G. for pointing it out.

Mike Salbato