Halloween Soundtracks Update: Scary Love Music
10.31.07 - 3:27 PM

You wouldn't believe what makes this update so scary...

...It's about dating guys.

Two of our three soundtracks are for games developed by Vingt-et-un. Kimagure Strawberry Cafe and Meshimase Roman Sabou pit you as a young lady chasing after hot Asian men. If the absurdity of dating sims wasn't apparent to you before, maybe this will help you. Anyway, some of it has good music, from an unnamed source at that. Oooh...mysterious...

Okay, let's get back into less creepy territory. Neal Chandran (AHH! He's scary!!!) reviewed the OST for Memories Off #5: Unfinished Film. Good times.

Now for the scariest announcement of all...

Lots of new albums have been released in the last two months, but we've failed to cover the vast majority of them. And we still haven't covered them. Shame, shame! Ewwwww...depressing...

Next week, expect some new goodies. But for now, you've been given a trick that may turn out to be an eccentric treat: male dating sim VGM.

Patrick Gann