Black/Matrix II Info and Media

NEC Interchannel's PlayStation 2 strategy RPG, Black/Matrix II, was released in Japan on March 28th. The game's world is divided up into three groups: humans, devils and angels. Surprisingly, the main character is neither a human nor an angel, but rather a devil named Reiji.

Like in the case of its predecessors (Black/Matrix, Black/Matrix Advanced, Black/Matrix Cross), battles in Black/Matrix II are fought in strategy RPG-like fashion. Players can choose between easy and normal difficulty. You progress in the story by triggering events on the world map, which occasionally are followed up by battles. You can gain new skills by either equipping new, advanced weapons or using your spells until you receive a level up automatically. For instance, seven types of sword skills are available to the main character, Reiji.

The developers also implemented a ranking system in Black/Matrix II, which is junctioned to the level of difficulty, you have chosen upon starting to play. If you start at the normal level of difficulty, and are skilled enough to continously claim S or A rankings, the game's level of difficulty will increase as you progress.

Developed by Flight-Plan, the game carries a price tag of 6,800yen ($51.25USD).

Make sure you check out the game's screenshots, artwork and boxart courtesy of our hard-working pics staff.

04.02.02 - 3:27 PM
Professor Gast