
Editor PSX Reviews

Cold, warm, cold, warm, this weather is nuts! I can just imagine what it's like in other places right now! But right here, right now we've got editor reviews, okay? And I've got new review logos, okay? So read them, okay? Okay.

First up is editor Musashi's review of Square's action/RPG, Brave Fencer Musashi. I guess it was inevitable, right? Don't look at me like that, read the review! It's here.

Next, and last, but not least, no no, is my review of Agetec's quite nifty little game, RPG Maker. I'll tell you right now that figuring out how to write this review was almost as difficult as that time I had to do the lambada with 15 hungry pirhanas nipping at my heels. Though I did meet a cute girl. Anyway, check out the review here.

Well that wraps it up. Hey, send me some reviews, will ya? I'm fresh out almost, which means I'll actually have to write more reviews on my own! Oh the humanity! So send 'em in, okay? Okay.

Date Updated:
October 11th, 2000

Time Updated:
4:38 PM

Sensei Phoenix
