
Breath of Fire IV Preview

Capcom brings us the long awaited Breath of Fire IV in just over a month. The fourth chapter in the series is turning out to be nothing less than the previous games were. If anything, the game has improved in many areas, including the battle system.

"Breath of Fire IV will use advanced 3D background graphics with 2D sprite models for characters. The backgrounds look very similar to paintings. This was done purposely to allow the character sprites to blend well with the background. Each character will have over 3,000 animation patterns, this will allow great detail to character movement and reaction to environmental conditions. Any run-of-the-mill RPG player will enjoy the graphics thoroughly."

To read the rest of this preview, click here.

Yeah, I was gone for a while. With high school football and the RPGFan move to GameGlow, I was busy making tackles and tackling the RPGFan CGI scripts. My apologies to all the readers that missed the section. After Sensei Phoenix threatened me with joining Musashi and Shiguma in the RPGFan Boys Choir, I found myself back in the previews editor chair VERY fast. :) So later this week, I'll be bringing you previews of Shadowbane and Summoner, so check back often.

Feel free to send ideas for previews to I'll see if I can't dig up enough dirt the make a preview of the suggested game.

Date Updated:
September 24th, 2000

Time Updated:
6:18 PM

