
RPG Flavor Poll

If you're reading this update, chances are that you greatly enjoy playing RPGs. Why else would you be at a website called RPGFan? In case you haven't noticed, the genre of RPG has sprouted a few sub-genres, which now make up all of the latest RPG releases. So, this week's poll question is the following:

"What's your favorite "flavor" of RPGs?

Before I direct you to the poll, I am pleased to announce that we are running a new poll script! I won't go into details about what it does differently, but believe me, it's much nicer. Enough chatter from me, go vote!

But wait, don't you want to find out what happened with last week's poll? Sure you do. We asked our readers which class in Diablo II would be their favorite. Let me tell you, the vote was close. First place went to Necromancer and second place (with three less votes) went to Paladin. Paladin stayed ahead nearly all week and it was just this morning that Necromancer slid into the #1 spot. Now that's some action-packed polling! Rounding out the rest of the classes were Sorceress, Amazon, and Barbarian. Unfortunately for you Diablo fans, 37% of RPGFan readers said "blah" to this game. See the final results in the poll archives.

This is the "Poll Mahn" Stahn signing off!

Date Updated:
June 19th, 2000

Time Updated:
3:09 PM

Stahn Mahn
