
Final Fantasy VIII Demo On The Way

Final Fantasy VIII is one of the most popular and immensely successful Playstation RPGs since, well, Final Fantasy VII. Like its older cousin, FFVIII will soon be ported over to the PC market. Supposedly without the horrible qualities a few of the graphics in FFVII had.

We will all know what the outcome is soon though, as there are a couple of demos on the way. The first one should be out on January 3, 2000. This demo is a movie download which will show off the details of the game. It should be around 40 megs. There will also be an additional 1 meg download for Chocobo's World, one of the Pocket Station mini games.

Later that month on January 25, two more demos will be available. One of them is a huge 70 meg CGI movie, and the other is a more tolerable 36 meg download, which focuses strictly on the gameplay itself.

Perhaps this time around the FMV in the game won't be so dithered, and the backdrops will lose that hideous look from Final Fantasy VII. If those problems are properly corrected, Final Fantasy VIII PC will be a beautiful title indeed.

Source: FGN Online

Date Updated:
November 15th, 1999

Time Updated:
1:27 PM

