
Three New Reviews

Okay review fans, Phoenix be back in da house. I know you missed me, but let's get to the reviews.

First on the menu is a reader review of Lunar: SSSC. I think just about everybody who reads RPGFan has written a review for it by now (but I'm sure another one will come in to prove me wrong ;). You can check it out here. Also, trivia fact, we now have 8 Lunar SSSC reviews making it the most reviewed game at RPGFan. Can't wait till WD brings out EB Remix.

Next up, we have Woojin's review of the import sequel to one of my favorite PSX RPGs, Contrail'sWild ARMs 2nd Ignition. It's looking really good from what I've seen of it, so go read the review here.

And for dessert, we have a special treat. Long missing editor, Esque, has been found (we also found Atlantis, the missing Watergate Tapes, and Jimmy Hoffa, all in my attic, go figure!) and he's still got the knack! Check out his review of the domestic version of Konami's Suikoden 2 here. Welcome back you wacky editor you!

Well that about wraps it up review fans! Tune in next time when we'll have Jenna Jameson and Fabio going at it in a one-on-one gaming match. I hear Jenna plays a mean game of Tekken Tag! Later!

Date Updated:
November 7th, 1999

Time Updated:
8:16 AM

Sensei Phoenix
