
Falcom does Dreamcast

It looks like Falcom will continue its support of Sega's consoles by making games for the Dreamcast. For those who don't know, Falcom has always been Sega-friendly, making games for all major Sega consoles like the Master System, Genesis, Sega CD and Saturn.

Let's hope that Falcom will FINALLY get off this "remake" craze they're currently on and will start making some new stuff. I'm sure a lot of Falcom fans would LOVE to play a TOTALLY new Ys game, or how about a new Popful Mail game? That game begs for a sequel. In any case, Falcom making Dreamcast games is very good news indeed and I look forward to seeing what they have in stock for us.

Source: Magic Box

Date Updated:
October 19th, 1999

Time Updated:
8:38 PM

