
From Software Reveals Ever Grace

In a recent announcement, From Software has revealed that they are working on a new Playstation rpg known as Ever Grace.

Unlike their past efforts with the King's Field series, which played from a first person perspective, Ever Grace will be a 3-D action rpg more in the style of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time. However, Ever Grace will have a unique system for gaining levels.

Leveling up itself will be done as in most rpgs, with the difference being that now the player can decide how to allocate points gained in battle. This will probably allow for a decent amount of flexibility in play, while opening up vast possibilities in how a character can be developed.

There will also be a unique system for character equipment. This new system will allow individual parts of a character's armor to be upgraded and used, rather than having to constantly purchase all new armor throughout the game.

Ever Grace is slated for a spring 2000 release in Japan.

Source: GameFan Online

Date Updated:
October 9th, 1999

Time Updated:
1:40 PM

