Movies page update

Overall, small changes have been made to all the movies pages. But the ones worth pointing out are the changes to the front page, where more information is now available about the different file types here. This includes links to places where up-to-date video playing applications can be found.

Also, the other Magical School Lunar! video has been replaced by a higher quality MPEG version as well now. The original version of the video was the first one I ever made for LunarNET/RPGFan, and as such could have been done better. The new MPEG version is a slightly bigger download, but I think it's worth it just to hear the cute opening song in stereo. It can be found by clicking here.

Also, the intro from the Saturn version of the 3x3 Eyes adventure game has been added, and can be found on the ~A to K~ movies page, now renamed '~0 to 9, and A to K~' just because of this video!

Date Updated:
June 20th, 1999

Time Updated:
1:21 PM

Zone Pharaoh
