Albert Odyssey Pics

We now have pictures of Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean for the Saturn and I happen to think it's the most complete collection of pics for this game on the internet. We've got pics from almost every location in the game. Villages, dungeons, battles, spells, etc.. Why did I even bother to take pics from all locations in this picture page instead of just taking a few pics from the begining of the game you ask? Why, simply because I happen to like this game and I think the graphics are some of the best 2-D hand-drawn graphics ever in an RPG. To demonstrate that, I thought it would be best if I showed many different areas of the game in the pics. If you've never played this game, check out the pics page for a good idea of what it looks like and if you HAVE played it, check them out for nostalgia and to see if I'm lying about having pics from almost everywhere in the game :P. Click here to check out the Albert Odyssey pics.

Date Updated:
March 23rd, 1999

Time Updated:
2:14 PM


Related Links:
  •   Albert Odyssey Review
  •   Working Designs
