Logfile ~ April 30 - July 22, 2002

If you have ever played, or at least know about MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online RPGs), you should know that there's bound to be interesting stories relating to them. With thousands upon thousands of people online in a game world, things are bound to get interesting. Online antics, complete with logs (hence the section name), along with MMORPG news and opinions were what made up former staffer Cameron "Tortolia" Hamm's Logfile column.

For a better intoduction to the section itself and what it was about, as well as to read all of the archived editions, click the link below.

Logfile was handled solely by Cameron, and when he left RPGFan in July 2002, Logfile went with him. We all appreciate the work Cameron did on the section (not to mention his reviews), and so we have kept the section available for viewing.


Written by: Cameron Hamm